Additional features of Android KitKat (version 4.4)

1.     SMS integration in Hangouts

Comment:: not very useful. There are very few people who used to sync with this type of social media while enjoying their vacations


2.     Transparent and small icon notification and navigation bar – easy app switch


Comment: This would be very useful and handy. Transparent navigations can also make android visualization like windows 7


3.     Always listening


Comment: your phone would always listen to your words and commands. Google is trying to incorporate many languages command also. This would be a very interesting feature that I am expecting.


4.     Camera icon on lock screen

Comment: I think this is already in some recent android versions (jelly bean). the new OS also features a Camera icon on the lower right corner for easy access, similar to iOS 7


5.     Design tweaks

Comment: YouTube, Settings, Google Settings, Google and Voice Search and Settings would be in more flatter look. Somehow need to check –


6.     QuickOffice integration

Comment: android kitkat will integrate the Quickffice in built. This productivity application is bought by google now-a-days.


7.     Smoother UI

Comment: This would much lighter than the last android version which make me feel pretty good. Wow with speed.!!


8.     Quick-start apps halved in number

Comment: In the latest version only user can add two application in the quick-start. Previously it was 4. I think this is done to make it lighter and bog icon ofcourse.


9.     Menu wallpaper

Comment: In the backgound of the application menu user can choose a background image. So upcoming themes would be adapted with that customisation. This was definitely a lack in the previous versions.


10.  Cloud Printing

Comment: very useful thing came at the last with android. You can upload any thing from your mobile device and let them print from any printer attached in cloud.


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